Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 9 - Various Ways of Learning

Besides finishing my project, this week I studied learning styles which was the topic for discussion on Nicenet. I like articles for reading suggested by our course teachers. I took a great pleasure in reading most of them. There are so many ideas that were new to me and I consider them important and useful for my teaching practice. I familiarized myself with some learning styles that I haven’t known before. Thus I can describe the majority of my students as verbal, visual, interpersonal and intrapersonal learners. So to achieve effective results in teaching and learning, I should try to match my teaching techniques with these learning styles. The use of technology can facilitate learning in many ways. It offers many opportunities to cater to each student needs. I highly appreciate charts made by Hassan and Vijay as they will be helpful in finding the most suitable learning activity for the students. However as a person can possess several learning intelligences, the teacher should try to develop as many learning styles of each student as possible not inclining to deal with one or two learning styles so that students don’t experience difficulties in overcoming problems related to acquisition of knowledge and skills in their future life and career.

I’m very grateful to our teachers, Jodi and Sherie, who introduced me and my colleagues to a great diversity of valuable tools and resources. I will continue to explore web’s opportunities and use resources for teachers and students to give a special flavor to my lessons, keep my students interested in them and turn learning into a fun and interesting activity. 

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to you Zarifa for reminding us of the essence of education. No one should forget that it is all about bridging knowledge between the classroom and real life.

    Have a wonderful final week.

